Sunday, 28 August 2011

Why does Blindspott keep reforming?

Blindspott broke up in 2007 and reformed for a one off *cough cough* show at Homegrown in 2009. Why? Because we got offered stupid amounts of money by the festival promoter, that's why!

Marcus and Shelton were living in London, Dave was living in Australia and the fee was enough to fly everyone back AND make some decent extra cash.

Since it was supposed to be a big deal to have Blindspott reform for a one off show, it would force fans to spend money on Homegrown tickets to take advantage of seeing this 'exclusive' opportunity. We didn't care, we were getting paid and receiving free flights back to NZ to do the show :)

Of course, then Blindspott (now Blacklist) reformed AGAIN to play Homegrown in 2011. Why? Because the money was good plus none of us had achieved anything musically in the last four years since the band broke up.

We were bored, it was a way to make some cash plus we couldn't let Shelton get away with all the glory he was getting with I Am Giant. To say there was tension between us and I Am Giant both being on the same show would be a massive understatement!

I know the constant band reforms has made Blindspott look like a bunch of chumps but hey, we're us and you're you. We're cool and you're not.

We're so cool, we can bring nu-metal back which is why we have our DJ back which we originally kicked out.

Who knows? Maybe Blindspott or Blacklist or whatever the hell we call ourselves will break up again and reform for another Homegrown show in 2013 and take some more cash from suckers!

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